Anti-Slavery Policy Statement
Gloves 4 U Ltd has a zero-tolerance approach to slavery & is committed to preventing acts of slavery & human trafficking from occurring within both its business & supply chain, & imposes these same high standards on its contractors, suppliers & other business partners.
Company Structure
Gloves 4 U Ltd are a global company committed to providing the ultimate solutions in barriers protection throughout USA, United Kingdom & Europe.
As such, Gloves 4 U Ltd has an extensive supply chain & procurement of goods & services & we work with a wide range of different suppliers & partners each of which will have their own subcontractors, affiliates & associate entities. Gloves 4 U is therefore connected to multiple entities (for instance China, Malaysia, Vietnam) through numerous contractual relationships.
Due Diligence Process
We have;
Made our staff aware of the Modern Slavery Act, including its definition of slavery & human trafficking
Told staff what to do if they suspect a case of slavery or human trafficking
Contacted suppliers & partners in potentially higher risk categories to check what assurance arrangements they have in place
We have reviewed our procurement contracts & related documents to include prohibitions in respect of slavery & human trafficking & compliance with the legislation
Reviewed our whistleblowing policy
We have visited the factories of all our key partners as part of our own due diligence.
The above procedures are designed to;
Identify & assess potential risk areas in our business & supply chains
Reduce the risk of slavery & human trafficking occurring in our business & supply chains
Monitor potential risk areas in our business & supply chains
Provide adequate protection for whistle-blowers
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our company’s slavery & human trafficking statement.